Wednesday, November 30, 2005


...Sometimes this picture is just how I'm feeling

"It is no sin to attempt and fail. The only sin is to not make the attempt."

~ Suellen Fried, Author

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Not For The FAINT Of Heart

"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."

~Michael JordanBasketball Player

Monday, November 28, 2005

You ARE What You Think!

"Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously and never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop this picture!"

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
1898-1993, Author, "The Power of Positive Thinking"

I REFUSE to let this minute joint issue become a set-back for me!! NO WAY! As Myron was so wise in telling me this morning (and of course, this is what I tell MY clients as well),

"Its your body's way of telling you that you need to REST..."

Thank you o' wise one! What would I do without you...???
In the meantime, there's cardio!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

I REALLY need a NAP!!

I have been in a state of repose ALL WEEKEND long (not quite like THIS but maybe he'd let me join him...) and still, NOT LONG ENOUGH.
I'm shot. Done. Sore, tired, worn-out. And I'm still at the very beginning.
Who the hell said the journey is the reward?
Here I sit, bitching. moaning. complaining even. Is ANYONE LISTENING??? I'm sure they are not.
Sorry Myron, ibuprofen isn't cutting it this time... what's new on the docket??
...Right now I'm feeling very much like, 'Perry, you're a dead man...'

Saturday, November 26, 2005

A GOOD hair day...

It can change your WHOLE perspective... and I'm happy about it, can't ya tell?
I also did LEGS on my THAT'S something to really smile about! Part of my training was 5 sets of squats while supersetting with ab/adductors (altho I did not take my squats above 135). Overall, I'm happy with today's training.
On the other hand, my food has been crappy since Turkey Day... not enough and not as clean as I need to be. There's always tomorrow!
I've taken the last couple of days to peruse various fitness/body builiding sites to get some addt'l ideas about where I want to take my body. But my ability to personalize the visual images I see is almost nil. It seems all I can do right now is stare... Did I leave my resolve at the salon? Well, at least I'm smiling for now...

Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving Charlie Brown!!

I've survived another T-day! Those 10 hours will be the most coveted for some time! The memories will be the ones to sustain me in my darkest hours: images of sugar and starch ...One more time everyone: WHAT WAS I THINKING??
Ok, back to the grind. Where is my supportive boy when I REALLY need him? Eating LEFTOVERS and making sure I know they're HIS and only HIS in more ways than one! Sheesh... lighten up will ya? I GOT IT! Somehow I'm not feeling very supported...

But a shout-out to Edee: I'm not sure I'll be "whittled down to nothing" but I'm sure as hell gonna work it girl!

As was said back in 1983, 'Thanks for your support!'

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Bueller? Bueller?...

<----- THIS will keep me going (for MAYBE 5 minutes) but I still remain bereft of ALL life energy!! I'm convinced I was gonna truly pass out this morning and the kicker of it all was that Myron was goading me, pushing me and in the end, ultimately LOVING every minute of it!! Now, I know that I get giddy when I am able to push my clients to the edge but being on the receiving end of it this time is a WHOLE different experience. IT'S BRUTAL!! Tell me again why I chose this goal? Oh yeah, THE QUEST... its all in the quest... as my wonderfully sadistic trainer so deftly reminded me this morning. Here I was, panting, almost begging for another 15 seconds of rest... 15 seconds mind you!! Who knew that this amount of time would be sooooooooooo coveted as to elicit such beseeching and supplicating from my own mouth at 7:30am. Whooda thunk that I'd be THIS humble... ah, so now the real reason as to this quest comes to light!! Ig, bet you never thought you'd see this day, let alone the 'truf' in writing?!
Today I will present Myron with the accolades he truly deserves. These are for his never-tiring ability to wrench me from the depths of my quasi-cozy empire, kicking and SCREAMING into the arena of agonizing anguish. How's THAT for painting a pix eh?

Monday, November 21, 2005

I'm PISSED and getting PISSIER ((pissier? HUH? ))!!

Question: How the HELL am I gonna get motivated to do p.m. cardio for the next 4 months when its 30*/frigid, rainy and WINDY outside and all I wanna do is come home and lay on the couch? Oh, this is NOT good...

And the AWARD Goes To...

I barely survived the w/e with Auntie... my G-D that woman is ACTIVE at 81!!!!!!! I couldn't wait to come home to REST!!!

I had no problem with my food except everyone around me kept eating bread and dessert.
I definitely did not eat enough but what I did eat was well within my nutritional plan. I was only able to do one day of cardio (for 50 mins) and was thankful I was able to get that in. Today its back to the grind. Being a short week (work-wise) I'm looking forward to being able to rest and relax Wed. nite-Thurs.

Myron wants to take pix tomorrow... GAK! But we hafta start somewhere right? I picked up a pretty good fitness mag to help me to better visualize different body parts and poses that I can work on. This will help me to get to where I want to be for MY goals...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Volunteering is good for the Soul

So we spent the evening at the Festival of Trees/CHOA parade meeting with Lodell and hubs .

This was a TOUGH day.

It started out with a full morning of clients, then onto a meeting with my staff and boss, then training with My. I was unable to eat enough today and after training I did not save enough time to eat correctly as I opted for a NAP (thanx really DID 'injure me critically' as I was unable to stand in the shower w/o having to lie down FIRST for 1/2 hour!)

Then it was off to the meeting where they had the WRONG food for my diet... but I did what I could (aint diggin' on the swine with the shellfish, I'm tellin' ya that!).

I definitely ate. However, the desire to imbibe more than 6oz of vino later in the evening was VERY VERY strong but I was able to OVERCOME...(I'm telling you this: suprisingly stronger than the desire to partake in creme brulee right now, SHOCKER!!). I'm off to pack and prepare to fly out to Auntie's house early in the a.m.

Lessee if I can avoid all the temptations tossed my way this w/e... the challenges are endless!

And what a DAY ...!

You have all made comments to me via email but I'm STILL waiting for you guys to comment on the blog site so I can get a chuckle every time I visit... And here's something new for you... My's pix (yes Lisa, the PROOF is there!! ha ha!). The man is inspirational and motivating... If anyone is in the market for a male trainer, HE IS your man!!

Ok, enough about him, let's talk about me... !!(That's from supportive boy) Going to hafta do some WORK to stay on track with my nutrition this w/e as I will be away in VA Beach and will not be able to prep my own food... this WILL be a challenge! But I will definitely appreciate the rest from the gym. This will probably be the last time I will be able to 'get me some' (rest) throughout the course of the next 3 mos.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Will The Superhero Please Stand Up?!

Myron: motivation for my EARLY A.M. thrashings
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BEFORE Sugar Deprivation...

...I'm smiling!!
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Who Said Pizza isn't a COMPLETE Meal??

The supportive 'boy'
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Ahh, The Joys of Lamentation...

5: 58am
Here I sit at my computer with my egg whites and a LITTLE bit of cheese (and oh! let us not forget the yummy ketchup!! WHOO HOO).

The Boy (aka: boyfriend) has a tendency to act as a siren call back into the rack most mornings so I am FORCED to stay at my own house in order to meet my a.m responsibilities...This morning, I am preparing to go train a new client when all I really want to do is climb back into bed as it is POURING outside.

It would also seem that every muscle in my body is screaming this morning... Between Myron putting his 'Detroit Destoyer' trix on me and my penchant for self torture when it comes to cardio, I'll be surprised if I can MAKE it though her first training session today let alone being able to drag myself to the gym afterwards. Oh yeah, and then there's that 4 letter thing after that: W-O-R-K. -------------> ACK!

I need some energy here people!

Let the day begin!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Like A Virgin...

My first entry for my fitness blog: the journal for my fitness photo shoot we are planning in some weeks. Through the urging from my trainer Myron (see 'super hero' ), I am documenting my progress. He thinks I will want to get up on stage for a contest but I continue to assure him that I will not… I simply want to take my body to the pinnacle of my fitness conditioning and document that with pictures.

I got through my first week w/o SUGAR and further cleaned up my diet in the process!! Well, ok, I actually must admit that I did put a tootsie roll in my MOUTH but couldn't go through with it... I imagined /pictured my goals and realized that I had to continue to change my eating habits and nutrition if I want to reach them. Unfortunately, my old friend, 'refined sugar' has NO PLACE in my acquisition of those goals. OH! THE SADNESS and the loss!!

On a more personal note, my wonderfully supportive boyfriend K-man YYY DID tell me he’s dieting along with me!! However, despite these words of apparent intended truth, he is definitely going to be a challenge all on his own. I come home to find him ordering PIZZA or subs… a COMPLETE buzz kill!!! Here I sit with my salmon and green veggies for din!

Ah, let the challenges begin! %

As for my training... this is a whole other story altogether:

I have issues in my right shoulder/lat and my left hamstring. These are DEFINITELY thwarting my progress and are escalating my frustration as well. Myron, who is an incredible man and trainer:
· Patient
· Innovative
· soooo knowledgeable
· compassionate
· challenging
· warm
· tough
· motivating
works to minimize my localized aches/pains but I have that MICROWAVE mentality and want to be rid of these weak points NOW!

I can see very slight changes in my body this week but again, my microwave mentality f is alive and well. As it kicks into high gear I have to remember that although I want more, I AM making progress and I WILL reach my goal! As usual, I need continuous work on my own patience N

I must acknowledge my biggest fear at present: that I will not achieve that muscular, hard, shredded body I crave for my goal... But then I think,

‘If Myron continues to take me to that DAMN 'gray zone' I was in this week while training then I can be SURE that it will be achieved but I may need to invest in a hand-held garbage can h just in case!’