Friday, May 26, 2006


Repeat after ME:


But, if life hands you lemons, get some friends together, put those lemons with a lil stoli and sugar for lemon drops and have yourself a party! ((THANKS Lodell!))

Right now life is a little bit wonky but its getting better all the time... ((Due in part to GIRLFRIENDS who engage moi in shopping therapy... INC baby and I'm looking just so damn cute in those outfits!!))
No gym today, no training today... a day at the mall with girlfriends and an evening at the movies with friends....We'll see if the Da Vinci Code can't add something to my evening...
I will NOT let this event pull me down again, too many times down that dark alley ((emphasis on dark AND alley)).
Life is too damn short to play with the wrong people... if you can't get a little bit of sand in your face while playing in the sandbox then your sensitivity level is set a bit too high... life is MESSY!
I've learned a few things though:
  • Patience is key
  • Tolerance IS required
  • Communication is FAR too underrated and infrequently practiced among most
  • Room for error is necessary among people because we do LEARN from our mistakes (how would we continue on without them??)
  • Repeating a pattern is just I N S A N E...
  • My life is too full to take on OTHER PEOPLE'S BAGGAGE (and it shoulda been tossed away years ago)
  • M i s e r y really does love company and I won't ever let anyone else pull me down
  • Expectations are simply the quickest way to DISAPPOINTMENT

Always remember:

L I F E IS G O O D!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I really really liked this so I took this from Edee...
10 Favorites

Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Color: black but slowly creeping the other way: electric blue and PINK... ahhh!
Favorite day: F r i d a y
Favorite Food: SUSHI!!!!
Favorite Drink: ICE cold stoli martini SHAKEN with ice chips, up, three (NOT TWO) olives
Favorite Ice Cream: ben and jerry's heath bar
Favorite Place: any EXPANSIVE beach
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Actor: Cary Grant... is there ANY other???
Favorite Actress: Kate Hepburn
Favorite TV show: Ok, ok... I still don't have a TV but it would be Sopranos

9 Currents

Current Feeling: restless
Current Drink: soy green tea
Current Time: 8:45 pm
Current Show on TV: NO tv
Current Mobile used: motorola... no clue
Current Windows Open: blogger and outlook
Current Clothes: shorts and a T
Current Thought: why do I still have this PAIN in my neck and how can I afford a trip to the Chiro?

8 Firsts

First Nickname: Pixie
First Kiss: sloppy(him honey, NOT me)
First Crush: Jonathan Terry
First Best Friend: The girls in QH (1975? aaaaaaaaahhhhh!) Tammy's STILL here!
First Vehicle I Drove: Shirlee's Monza and pop's caddy
First Job: Blairs (was there ever a choice in that??)
First Date: Jonathan Terry... yikes, a pattern's emerging....
First Pet: cat named Boodles

7 Lasts

Last Drink: H2O
Last Kiss: The Boy
Last Meal: Italian omelette
Last Web Site Visited: beliefnet
Last Movie Watched: Xmen2
Last Phone Call: a client
Last TV show Watched: American Idol Tuesday

6 Have You Ever...

Have You Ever Broken the Law: um...yup
Have You Ever Been Drunk: 5 days ago....
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: um...yup
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire: um... oh yeah and in a compromising POSITION too!
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: sort of....
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart: unfortunately yes..

5 ThingsThings You Can Hear Right Now:
my roomie's radio, my roommate, my clock, neighbors outside, cars

Things On Your Bed:
The Nick, comforter, duvet cover, plethora of pillows

Things You Ate Today:
healthy bodybuilding stuff

Things You Can't Live Without:
The Nick, books, the ability and desire to learn, TRAINING, self tanner, chocolate, sex, hot kisses

Things You Do When You Are Bored:
read, surf, train, chat (phone), plan

4 Places You Have Been Today:
The gym, client's house, the pool (wow, insular)

3 Things On Your Desk Right Now:
dictionary, old contracts, bills

1 Place You Want To Visit:

Its official: I finally laid M.T. OUT!!! ((I'm taking the credit here no matter WHAT he says!!))

We trained today (what a NOVEL idea... who'da thought two trainers would think to TRAIN on any given day... and TOGETHER!?? Who came up with THAT idea M.T.??? Hmmmmm....) and it was M.T.'s bright idea to run sprints in the MIDDLE of the day... on HOT tarmac, under the 80+ something degree blazing ATL sun!!


Who's the last CHICK standing??

WHOO HOOO!!! (ok, the gloating is gonna send me to hell, I know but its FUN!)

Needless to say, there WILL be a next time and I'm quite sure it will entail images of blogs past where I'm just about blowing chow on my Nikes...

In the meantime, all's fair between training partners!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I've been a bit 'BUSY' in da S-U-N!

Ok, so as PROMISED, here I am! I'm sure that EVERYONE (that would be all 3 of you who visit my blog, thank you btw!) has been wondering about the previously mentioned cruise to the 'eastern' Caribbean... the experience was A M A Z I N G!


((Its crazy, I KNOW!))

I had a great time on this, I did not get spastic (unless you count the last nite of debauchery where I woke up the next day and tried to disembark while DRUNK from the nite before)!! But now, I'm hitting it hard and I can assure you that M.T is ON MY ASS about it!

Just wanted to check in and assure you all that I'm baaaaaaaaack and I'm ON IT!!

Here's some pix for you until the 'official' ones can be taken:

((I'm gonna need some time for recovery here!))