Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ever Wake Up With a Song in Your Head?
And No! That doesn't mean I'm hearing voices...
So I'm on this path to fitness... again. And of COURSE Myron's leading me down the path (to self-destruction??? --->grinning). THANK G-D for this man!! He's the only sane thing I got going on in my life right now! My job is a HOT mess, my living situation is a wreck at best, my sisters are both living together in our childhood home again (OMG!!!!), and my friends are ALL getting divorced (that is, EXCEPT for my best friend who has BETRAYED our pact and is now PREGGERS!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!)


But then, there's Myron...! My faithful friend and trainer who waxes philosophical to me at dark 30 when I am laying panting on the floor trying not to puke up my breakfast he has insisted I eat before coming to see him. I know he secretly wishes that I would just BLOW CHOW all over the floor just so he can gloat (hey! it takes one to know one and I feel truly validated when my own clients do it!)
ok... back to work...more tomorrow!


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