Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Ahh, The Joys of Lamentation...

5: 58am
Here I sit at my computer with my egg whites and a LITTLE bit of cheese (and oh! let us not forget the yummy ketchup!! WHOO HOO).

The Boy (aka: boyfriend) has a tendency to act as a siren call back into the rack most mornings so I am FORCED to stay at my own house in order to meet my a.m responsibilities...This morning, I am preparing to go train a new client when all I really want to do is climb back into bed as it is POURING outside.

It would also seem that every muscle in my body is screaming this morning... Between Myron putting his 'Detroit Destoyer' trix on me and my penchant for self torture when it comes to cardio, I'll be surprised if I can MAKE it though her first training session today let alone being able to drag myself to the gym afterwards. Oh yeah, and then there's that 4 letter thing after that: W-O-R-K. -------------> ACK!

I need some energy here people!

Let the day begin!


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