Friday, February 24, 2006

I am officially
OFF the porch



What a RUSH to be able to train with both MyTy AND Ron!!
How did I ever get the mere P-R-I-V-I-L-E-G-E to be invited to THAT party...

It was a struggle just to keep up but I made my attempt at keeping it real AND keeping it fresh. It was ALL I could do to maintain my focus as I watched pure energy and
PURE ANATOMICAL POETRY right before my eyes with every rep and every move!!

I am looking forward to each successive moment in the gym... I am so incredibly stoked, so excited, so honored to be training with MyTy!!

~To be INVITED!!

Allowed into his inner sanctum... the world of wisdom...

Until next time... Just keep breathing!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

How is it that our brains seemingly 'forget'... forgets pain, forgets problems, forgets the strife it went through just 24 hours before?? Are we destined to repeat it once more? How do we strive to avoid reliving the pain while trying to create new experiences?
((of course, we may as well take squatting out of the equation altogether dontchathink???))
That which feels comfortable to us becomes an experience we are drawn to again and again and again....yet, as dynamic beings, we dichotomously reject growth and change only to become mired in our pain, our 'sameness', day in and day out... as a result, we bitch, moan and complain about our stife.
How do we break the cycle?
How do we foster growth??

Monday, February 13, 2006

Praying Blindly to The MT. Once MORE!

Ahhhh.... another day with MyTy... How could I NOT have a clear head and an OPEN heart after being with him!! It allowed me time to reflect... ok, so maybe not so much 'reflection' but maybe I was more 'focused'....The most frequent thought that crossed my brain was 'I'M SO NAUSEOUS!!!!' ack, ack, ack!! Let's just say he got me OUTTA myself for a mere 2 hours and what a relief it WAS!!!

((Edee... your offer woulda helped too but I can't hop a plane every other nite ya know! BIG SMOOCH))

So now I'm off and running again. My training is BACK and I've got MyTy by my side... whoooooo hoooo!! My S-T-R-E-S-S is so much lower!

Wanna know WHY???

Could it possibly be due to my ability to TOSS that lil ol' 275 LBs offa my back???

What a CATHARTIC effect that had for me!!

I would have done THAT months ago had I known that I would have felt sooooooooooo damn good!! Hmmm.... turns it that "weight" was more of an anchor than a rock, come to think of it... you know the kind: it WEIGHS you down instead of lifting you up.

The change is gonna do me good!

Well, I'm back to feeling blissful, buoyant and BEAUTIFUL! (a work in progress can not be denied right??)

For all of you reading: THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Anyone know how to erase months of your life with a sweep of your hand or with a visit to the doctor?

Help!! I need to change my course?? I realize that I allowed myself to be strategically sold a bill of goods by a mendacious salesman and I've been traversing this path for the last 6 months!

I seem to have lost my MoJo ... how do I regain it?? I want to find my P O S I T I V E VIBE again! I've been weighed down by so MUCH negativity for the last 6 months....any suggestions for regaining it all?

Maybe a cruise would make me feel better.... ALL EXPENSES paid... hmmm... wonder how I can get aboard?! Although, come to think of it, I may be better off to simply 'jump ship' right now and save what shreds I still possess...

Monday, February 06, 2006

...The Change is Gonna Do Me GOOD!!!

So here I am... one door SLAMS SHUT and another one gently creaks open... This particular door may not even be the one I would have chosen at this time in my life but then, who KNEW that EVERYTHING I held near and dear to me (one exception: THE NICK) was going to be completely juxtaposed or obliterated in a matter of A MONTH!???

C'mon people!! I only have so much tolerance and THIS is REALLY pushing it!

But, to quote good ol' Elton:

"...looking for an answer trying to find a trying to find gold in a silver can you stay when your heart says can you stop when your feet say go."

I cannot stop it, any of it all shreds before my eyes.

I have my friends (pix at right), my training and of course, MYTY!! I continue to live by the big three... funny how QUICKLY one can pare down one's life in just a matter of moments. I can now truly see what is important (seperating the wheat from the chaff?)

I wish others could embrace change as well... Ok, let's be honest here, I didn't really embrace "CHANGE" as much as have it lobbed at me like an over-active tennis ball machine pitching balls over the net 12 at a time!

...the change is gonna do me good!