Friday, March 17, 2006



Oh my... yeah, and MY too! MyTy to be more precise!! That man is incorrigible when it comes to NEVER-ENDING DRIVE and motivation ((and thank g-d for that as I need my A S S kicked in order to stay on track... girl scout cookie season and ALL THAT!!))
But after today's training session... I REALLY, R E A L L Y, REALLY NEED A NAP!!
MyTy had me on the BAG for 90% of the session ((now, to give him credit where its due, he was RIGHT beside me throwing punch for punch and kick for kick... well, maybe a few more than I was)) . The marathon of 20 SOLID minutes on the bag (('I expect you to move it around the room' )) at the END of the session was just part of the piece de resistance. Running the stairs (the WHOLE stairs) and jogging around the shopping center was really the pinnacle of today's session!
((I'll be ready.... just give me a moment to LAY DOWN or maybe instead of a 'moment' I'll be NEEDING the rest of the day for couch time)).
I'm here to tell you...honestly, there is not ONE part of my body that is not screaming in agony at this very moment... even typing has become tedious and torturous!
Ok, I'm sucking it up as we speak... But My, I hope to HELL you are feeling the effects as well!!
Despite all my kvetching, today was truly KILLAH and I'm sooo stoked to get into our next venture in fitness pain!
((who says trainers are ONLY comprised of a sadistic side....??))

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Again, I'm off the porch and PLAYING IN THE YARD!! What an INCREDIBLE DAY! How do I even begin to descibe THIS one but to say that I saw things today that I never thought I'd ever have the opportunity to see...

As for MyTy... well, this 6'4", 200-something man was able not only to hang by his knees and perform inverted crunches while weilding a 25 lb weight but he was able to perform plyos with such ease, such effortless grace that the image of a master athlete is the only analogy which will suffice. He was able to jump onto a platform which was easily 4 feet high from a dead stance!! Talk about fast twitch!

Then there's Ron....I saw Ron FLY through the air and firmly place his feet on a platform that was well over half as tall as he was! And when I say fly, this man actually FLOATED onto the platform while performing these plyometrics... F L O A T E D... I'm telling you! ((I promise to provide true-to-life pix of these guys VERY soon but for now suffice with the above images as THESE are what I see when I look in their direction!))

I was just happy to be invited along just to catalogue the day, let alone to be invited to participate!

WHAT A RUSH!! ((wonder what's next on the docket... can NOT wait to see!!))