Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Why is it there there MUST be pain involved in EVERYTHING we do which is to eventually elicit the perfect outcome?
What exactly is that about??
This pain is making me whiney... and the above pix is an example of what I looked like this very morning while attempting to eat my oatmeal after training with MT. But hey, its not bothering ME any although you can bet your ASS it's beginning to bug all those around me!
Thanks MT... You're the best!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

What was I thinking when I said I wanted to venture into this particular arena of PAIN???
Anybody? Anybody??
Well, lemme tell you... I was not thinking of the pain I would be put through in my quest... I can tell you THAT! This morning, I dutifully trotted behind my trainer with all the zest and glee of a 7 year old going to the zoo! Little did I know the torturous, treacherous training he had in mind for me this morning.
I have ONE word for you guys: LEGS!
Allow me to describe what I was feeling... let me paint a picture for you. We'll take machine squats ok? This was 3/4 of the way through my workout and suffice it to say, I was already pretty 'krispy' at this point. Myron decided that 225lbs was a MODERATE weight for me to pump out 20 reps.
Question: did he not recognize that I had already completed a number of exercises which taxed virtually all of my glycogen stores and was already working to burn my remaining functioning fibers to a smoldering crisp? Nah! (oh the faith of trainers... aint it GRAND!?!)
So, here goes:
Unrack the weight: WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING WITH THIS WEIGHT??? I'm grunting already... This is NOT good!!
Reps 1-3:
this is NOT easy. Why is this weight on my back?
Reps 4-6:
I feel it waaaaay too much and he's telling me to get down IN IT! IS HE CRAZY!! Yes, indeed he IS !
Reps 7-9:
I am in pain. By the 9th rep, my mind is already past the point of SCREAMING at me and has left the building. This is not good... DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!
Reps 10-12:
My entire body is screaming out in agony. I'm thinking, "DON'T QUIT!" but I am already sick to my stomach, and I am starting to wonder if I can get out the next 8 reps.
Reps 13-15:
Yeah. This was a bad idea. I am no longer counting in 5s or even 3s but instead in 1s. I am panting and screaming. Myron is telling me, "LOWER!" And my quad pain has been replaces with monumental seething pain in my glutes and hams. The thought of quitting is so strong. The reps are slow but I want to RACE to the end of this set!!
Reps 16-17:
SLOW and torturous. My ability to breath is by sheer habit ALONE. My heart is jumping about in my chest. Simply supporting the weight has become tedious. My entire body is shaking, forget just my legs! I'm wondering if I can make it to the garbage can next to me if I have to, and its looking like I just may have to as the nausea has resided squarely in my throat and is rising FAST!
Reps 18-20:
My lower body is now numb. I am having a helluva time getting in the hole and rising out of it is a complete blur. Now EVERYTHING is excrutiatingly painful. Even standing there with the machine on my shoulders, breathing, squatting... all of it, ANGUISH. I won't allow this exercise or this session to beat me!! I scream in agony as I rise out of the hole. While breathing, I swear, I spit, I scream! I'm done? OF COURSE NOT!!! There's 2 more sets of the same followed by step ups with the weighted vest AND THEN plyos..
After all's said and done (and lots more cursing, screaming, spitting and panting have ensued), MT peels me off of the floor, brushes me off and sends me on my way to work. I hope my apologies to him do not appear devoid of sincerity. This was the first time I really turned "Linda Blair" on him! Although, deep down he knows I still love him... its really just the pain talking~
Just a thought:
What would I do if I wasn't doing this? Hmmm....

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

OH! Holy.... S&*T

Let the taunting begin!

This season is for the birds... not only am I being tempted by Edee's cookies (see December 6th) but I've injured my hand (yup, rightie) and I seem to be lacking the ABILITY to pick up a weight!
Um, hello!!!
Is anyone aware that I'm supposed to be training here? Next thing you know, I'll be laying in bed with the flu (jeez, cancel that ONE out puhleez!)
My one savior... Myron! The man seems to innately KNOW what to say, at what time, at exactly what moment and IN THE CORRECT TONE for my mood... did someone mention MOOD! Look out! Next thing you'll know, My will be headed for Fear Factor trying to hawk his puss (best of luck Bervin!)... NO WAY! I cannot let THAT happen!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

'Tis The Season...

....ah, here I sit and make my WISH LIST!! The things I cannot have but yet they remain on my list year after year... (well, the chocolate is much more attainable!). It is the season to make a list and check it twice and then burn it by the fire of the menorah candles...

I am thankful for my family, my friends, my health and of course, my MYRON! I am hurting (oh so good) and yet look forward to another session of pain tomorrow...

The wonders of the season, how they NEVER cease!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Has Anyone seen My MOTIVATION... ??!!

Oh joy... My motivation is in the toilet...
its raining.
its cold.
its grey.
And now there's only 21 more shopping days till Chrismahanakwanica (or some sort of variation of this)! I should be doing cardio, but alas I'm going SHOPPING!
What??? ME shop?? Who'da thunk THAT!!! C'mon people. You know its IN MY BLOOD (literally... thanks Albert!)
If I had this next to me, maybe I'd be IN THE GYM today!!